ESEMDEE Shirts&Pockets EP Release today!!!!

Posted by DistantStarr | Posted in | Posted on 9:16 AM

So there is this guy from Philly that makes beats and is pretty good at it...enter ESEMDEE. When he had kats like Blu mentioning him i was like wow, he must be good. So we met and got to work. He was more than willing to allow me to rep on this wonderful little EP of his. The lineup goes a little something like this:

1. FPS! ft. Shawn Jackson
. Caffeinated Karma
. Out The Box ft. Blu
4. Greenbrier Pockets
. The Camels Water
. Stupid Awesome ft. DistantStarr of MAGr
7. Please&Thank You
. Two Piece ft. Co$$
9. Downtown Romance

Regardless if I was on this or not I would cop this but the dope part is that it is completely free!!! YES!!!!! Click on the albums cover to download. Also make sure you hit up ESEMDEE's myspace page at: and leave some words and add this dude. Let's rock and support. Three


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